Danny Dorling

‘A shocking and meticulous description of how today a majority of all the assets held by US corporations in Europe are in the UK; how recent British Prime Minsters and Chancellors have sold out their country; and what has to be done to avoid a …

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Vassal State: How America Runs Britain

by Angus Hanton

Vassal State lays bare the extent to which US corporations own and control Britain’s economy: how American business chiefs decide what we’re paid, what we buy, and how we buy it. US companies have carved up Britain between them, siphoning off enormous profits, buying up our most lucrative firms and assets, and extracting huge rents from UK PLC – all while paying little or no tax. Meanwhile, policymakers, from Whitehall mandarins to NHS chiefs, shape their decisions to suit the whims of our American corporate overlords.

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Angus Hanton

Angus Hanton is a successful entrepreneur, investor and researcher. He’s also deeply engaged in public policy debate having co-founded the Intergenerational Foundation, a think-tank focused on the interests of younger generations. Fascinated by the growth and reach of corporate America he has spent several years …

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